
Kennesaw State University

Bachelors of Mathematics

- I attended Kennesaw State University from 2016 to 2021 where I obtained my bachelors of mathematics from the college of Science and Mathematics. I attended classes on both the Marietta and Kennesaw campuses however all of my major classes were on the Marietta campus. I remember times of wanting to quit and give up on my degree because it was proving to be to much of a challege. I reminded myself that life is full of challenges. I also knew that if I could complete a mathematics degee, one of the hardest degrees a college could offer, I could do anything!

Clubs and Orginizations

- I was apart of several club and orginizations through the university. These orginizations

Campus Crusades

- Campus Crusades was a fun orginization that met on the Kennesaw campus monday nights. It was a good way for me to the lord through worship while making new friends.

Reformed University Fellowship

- Reformed University Fellowship was another christian fellowship group that would meet up throughout the week to hang out, enjoy eachothers company and worship the lord. I remember congegrating upon the campus green, a giand oval circle in the middle of campus. We would play frisbee, spikeball, talk and catch up on eachothers life. I miss attending the club and hanging out with those friends.

Electric Vehicle Team

- The electric vehicle team was a fun club to get involved with. The Students in the club were fun to hang out with good personalities. However, watching everyone lightup when we would take our electric gocart out to an empty parking lot towards the back of campus and do performance tests to make sure everything was running propery. This also gave us a chance to see if we needed to make improvements / upgrades. There were always upgrades to be made.

- This is our 8,330 seat football stadium where our Owls football team plays. Since all sporting events were free for students when I was attending the university, I spent many of my saturdays in this stadium cheering on our team!
- This is our Mascot! Scrappy the Owl!
This is the best building on the campus in my opinion. I have spent many of my days in this one for my degree!